Japanese Mineral Bath – Heaven on Earth?


sge_takachiho_gorge_kyushu_japanFrequent readers of mine know that I love baths. Baths are part of my routine so much that I hardly remember when I had my last shower. Suffice it to say, I’d be the last person to turn down samples of a Japanese volcanic mineral powder –branded as Super Growth Energy Stone (SGE)– reported to significantly raise body energy.

I’ll give you the background about this powder first, before giving you my very subjective response to having baths with it. (No, I am not selling this product, although I might, and no, the company is not advertising with us as I write this copy.)

Volcanic mineral was discovered in 1978 at near Mt. Ohkue, close to Takachiho Gorge, in Kyushu, Japan. These regions have a complex geology, having been the subject of repeated volcanic activities over many thousands of years. This volcanic activity has created the formation of a large layered caldera.

SGE mineral consists of various common and rare trace elements, and is the result of volcanic metamorphism over many years. Researchers believe that
SGE stone was formed by the crystallization of the sandstones during large volcanic activity in the Shimanto Marine Stratum, which makes up the geographic formation of the southwestern regions of Japan.

Initial attention was drawn to SGE stone after an analysis of the water issuing from the mineral bedrock formations. Examination of SGE ground water showed that it contains over fifty minerals. Many are rare minerals. SGE stone was found to be composed of several metamorphic mine minerals, as well a few kinds of basic elements and trace metallic elements, which cannot be found in ordinary mineral stones.

Learning this was enough to intrigue me even before I read about the stone’s purported fat burning and detoxing capabilities.

Among other things, I have many years of training as an energy healer, so I have a lot of experience in getting a sense –and an increasingly accurate sense–of how things feel. In other words, when I say something feels like it has a very high vibration, my comment is an educated response.

Surely, SGE is the highest vibration of any mineral powder that I have bathed with. I was transported and felt as serene and at peace as I would after the deepest meditation. When I had my first baths I was also fighting the flu, and the baths lifted the feeling of illness for six or seven hours after the bath.

I had a series of baths over a week and a half, until the sample powder was gone. I successfully fought off the flu, but most impressive to me is that each bath “gave” me a spiritual healing experience on the deepest level.

The Japanese consider a bath with this mineral “Heaven on Earth.” I’d have to agree.

The photo is of Takachiho Gorge – Kyushu, Japan, from the Waterforwellness.us site. The rock formations hold the volcanic mineral.


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By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything App. Called "The Godmother of Green" by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio, she has been named the foremost expert on green living.


  1. Thank you for your review! I love therapeutic baths and recently saw an ad for this product in the back of Organic Spa magazine. I went ahead and ordered it based on your review. Thank you!

  2. Our Minera salts are the finest quality dead sea bath salts you will find. They are harvested from the Southern end of the Dead Sea, where the mineral content of the waters is at its highest. The salts are delivered to our customers in their pure, raw form, containing all the essential minerals that the Dead Sea is famous for.

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